Ancestors of David Alan Bly
- David Alan BlyBirth: January 13, 1956 26 — Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, USADeath: February 21, 2008 — Escondido, San Diego County, California, USA
1 self 2 and 3
- Gerald Allen BlyBirth: October 8, 1929 30 24 — Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, USADeath: May 7, 2010 — San Diego County, California, USA
2 father 4 and 5
Clarence Maynard Bly
Birth: January 8, 1899 35 16 — McIntosh, Polk County, Minnesota, USADeath: December 23, 1988 — El Toro, Orange County, California, USA4 paternal grandfather 8 and 9
Marriage: February 17, 1898 — Fosston, Polk County, Minnesota, USAChristian Anderson Bly
Birth: July 26, 1863 41 35 — Eidskogen, Hedmark, NorwayDeath: October 22, 1940 — Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, USA8 great-grandfather Mary N. “Marie” Olsdatter
Birth: January 29, 1882 30 23 — Vestre Gausdal, Gudbrandsdal, NorwayDeath: November 13, 1946 — Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, USA9 great-grandmother
- Hellen Rosella BjorgoBirth: January 9, 1905 — Crookston, Polk County, Minnesota, USADeath: September 10, 1987 — Lake Forest, Orange County, California, USA
5 paternal grandmother
- Zona Verde Larson
3 mother