Ancestors of Thomas Dronsfield
- Thomas DronsfieldBirth: 1278 28 33 — West Bretton, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath: 1315
1 self 2 and 3
Marriage:- William DronsfieldBirth: 1250 30 23 — West Bretton, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath:
2 father 4 and 5
Marriage:- Hugh DronsfieldBirth: 1220 30 — Whitley, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath:
4 paternal grandfather 8 and 9
Marriage:- Nicholas DronsfieldBirth: 1190 — Bradley, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath:
8 great-grandfather
- Cecilia WhitleyBirth: 1227 26 — West Riding, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath:
5 paternal grandmother 10 and 11
- Hugh WhitleyBirth: 1201 — West Riding, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath:
10 great-grandfather
- Cecilia …Birth: 1245 — Silkstone West Riding, Yorkshire, EnglandDeath:
3 mother