Ancestors of Thomas Page
- Thomas PageBirth: July 6, 1600 18 18 — Marklane, London, Middlesex, EnglandDeath: October 21, 1645 — York, York County, Maine, USA
1 self 2 and 3
Marriage:- Thomas PageBirth: March 1582 19 16 — Shipbounre, Kent, EnglandDeath: about 1643 — Bishopsgate, London, England
2 father 4 and 5
Marriage:- Sylvester PageBirth: September 1562 30 32 — Shipborne, Kent, EnglandDeath:
4 paternal grandfather 8 and 9
Marriage:Marriage:- Sylvester Jr. PageBirth: about 1532 32 32 — Shipbourne, Kent, EnglandDeath: 1588 — Kent, England
8 great-grandfather - Margery …Birth: 1530 — Shipbourne, Kent, EnglandDeath: 1601 — Kent, England
9 great-grandmother
- Catherine FremlynBirth: 1566 — Kent, EnglandDeath:
5 paternal grandmother
- Ann LydesBirth: about 1582 20 23 — St Botolph Bishopgate, London, EnglandDeath: March 1611 — England
3 mother 6 and 7
Marriage:- George LydesBirth: about 1562 — Bishopsgate, London, EnglandDeath:
6 maternal grandfather - … …Birth: 1559 — Bishopsgate, London, EnglandDeath:
7 maternal grandmother