Ancestors of Chlotar I King of the Franks
- Chlotar I King of the FranksBirth: about 500 34 26 — Rheims, Lorraine, FranceDeath: about 561 — Braines, France
1 self 2 and 3
Marriage: about 493- Clovis I “The Great” King of the FranksBirth: about 466 29 — Marne, Pays de la Loire, FranceDeath: about 511 — Paris, Ile de France, France
2 father 4 and 5
Marriage:- Childeric I King of the Salian FranksBirth: about 437 26 — Westphalia, GermanyDeath: about 481 — Hainault, Flanders
4 paternal grandfather 8 and 9
- Merovech King of the Salian FranksBirth: about 411 — Meulan, Ile de france, FranceDeath: about 456 — Hainaut, Flanders
8 great-grandfather
- Basina von ThuringiaBirth: Thuringia, GermanyDeath: about 476 — Germany
5 paternal grandmother 10 and 11
- Wendelphus von ThuringiaBirth: about 370 — Thuringia, GermanyDeath: Cologne, Germany
10 great-grandfather
- Saint Clotilda de BurgundyBirth: about 474 29 24 — Marne, Pays de la Loire, FranceDeath: about 545 — Paris, Ile de France, France
3 mother 6 and 7
Marriage:- Chilperic II King of BurgundyBirth: about 445 25 10 — Burgundy, FranceDeath: about 494 — Lyon, France
6 maternal grandfather 12 and 13
Marriage:- Gundovic King of BurgundyBirth: about 420 30 22 — Burgundy, FranceDeath: about 473 — Burgundy, France
12 great-grandfather - Carstamena of the SueviBirth: about 435 — SpainDeath: about 473
13 great-grandmother
- Caratena Agrippina of the SueviBirth: about 450 16 5 — Lyon, FranceDeath: about 506 — Lyon, France
7 maternal grandmother 14 and 15
Marriage:- Ricimer Chief of the SueviBirth: about 434 24 20 — SpainDeath: about 473 — Rome, Italy
14 great-grandfather - Alypia of RomeBirth: about 445 25 20 — Rome, ItalyDeath: about 467 — France
15 great-grandmother