Ancestors of Aelia Marcia Eufemia
- Aelia Marcia EufemiaBirth: about 425 29 — Rome, ItalyDeath: about 472 — Rome, Italy
1 self 2 and 3
- Flavius Marcianius “Marcian” Augustus Emperor of RomeBirth: about 396 49 46 — Thrace, GreeceDeath: about 453 — Constantinople, Byzantium
2 father 4 and 5
Marriage:- Flavius Theodosius I Emperor of RomeBirth: about 347 22 21 — Cauca, SpainDeath: about 395 — Milan, Lombardy, Italy
4 paternal grandfather 8 and 9
Marriage:- Flavius “The Elder” TheodosiusBirth: about 325 — Cauca, SpainDeath: about 376 — Carthage, Africa
8 great-grandfather - Thermantia of ConstantinopleBirth: about 326 — Rome, ItalyDeath: about 375 — Cauca, Spain
9 great-grandmother
- Aelia Flavia “Flaccilla” AugustaBirth: about 350 — Cauca, SpainDeath: about 385 — Rome, Italy
5 paternal grandmother