Ancestors of Armella Elizabeth “Meela” Bistodeau
- Armella Elizabeth “Meela” BistodeauBirth: October 9, 1917 31 30 — Albertville, Wright County, Minnesota, USADeath: January 12, 2001 — Albertville, Wright County, Minnesota, USA
1 self 2 and 3
Marriage: October 12, 1909 — Buffalo, Wright County, Minnesota, USAAdlor Bistodeau
Birth: June 23, 1886 27 21 — Hassan, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USADeath: September 11, 1960 — Wright County, Minnesota, USA2 father 4 and 5
Marriage:Eugene Alfred “Alcidous” Bistodeau
Birth: June 13, 1859 37 23 — Dayton, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USADeath: October 30, 1939 — Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, USA4 paternal grandfather 8 and 9
Marriage: 1854 — Champlain, Québec, CanadaLouis Oliver Bistodeau M.D.
Birth: April 22, 1822 26 23 — St-Ours Village, Bas/Quebec, CanadaDeath: July 31, 1902 — Frankfort Township, Wright County, Minnesota, USA8 great-grandfather Sara Emelina Brûlé
Birth: October 27, 1835 41 42 — Rivière Du Loup, Québec, CanadaDeath: August 11, 1918 — Dayton, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA9 great-grandmother
Rebecka Grenier
Birth: July 10, 1864 20 — Québec, CanadaDeath: June 3, 1934 — Otsego Township, Wright County, Minnesota, USA5 paternal grandmother 10 and 11
Marriage:- Michel Zacharie GrenierBirth: Canada
10 great-grandfather - Julia BournivalBirth: 1844 — CanadaDeath: 1887
11 great-grandmother
Mary Georges
Birth: March 9, 1887 23 23 — Frankfort Township, Wright County, Minnesota, USADeath: July 17, 1962 — Buffalo, Wright County, Minnesota, USA3 mother 6 and 7
Marriage: March 15, 1884 — Körperich, Bitburg-Prüm, Rheinland-Pfalz, PrussiaPetrus Eugene “Peter” Georges
Birth: February 18, 1864 40 — Körperich, Bitburg-Prüm, Rheinland-Pfalz, PrussiaDeath: July 6, 1932 — Wright County, Minnesota, USA6 maternal grandfather 12 and 13
Marriage: July 9, 1855 — Körperich, Bitburg-Prüm, Rheinland-Pfalz, Prussia- Nicolaus “Nicolai” GeorgesBirth: PrussiaDeath:
12 great-grandfather - Annae Catharinae ThiewesBirth: October 23, 1823 38 — Obersgegen, Körperich, Bitburg-Prüm, Rheinland-Pfalz, PrussiaDeath:
13 great-grandmother
Elisabeth “Lizzie” Tinnes
Birth: August 1863 29 — Ferschweiler, Rheinland, PrussiaDeath: 1916 — Minnesota, USA7 maternal grandmother 14 and 15
Marriage: January 20, 1852 — Ferschweiler, Rheinland, Prussia- Joannis TinnesBaptism: January 5, 1834 — Ferschweiler, Rheinland, Prussia
14 great-grandfather - Elisabeth PeiferBirth: PrussiaDeath:
15 great-grandmother