Ancestors of Thomas Woodan
- Thomas WoodanBirth: 1380 22 20 — Aston, Leicestershire, EnglandDeath: 1431 — Burbage, Wiltshire, England
1 self 2 and 3
Marriage: 1363- John WoodanBirth: 1358 — EnglandDeath: 1411
2 father - Joan HusseyBirth: 1360 40 35 — Somerset, EnglandDeath: 1411 — Hungerford, Somerset, England
3 mother 6 and 7
Marriage: 1332- Edmund HusseyBirth: 1320 30 20 — Somerset, EnglandDeath: 1361 — Holbrook, Somerset, England
6 maternal grandfather 12 and 13
Marriage:- Reginald HusseyBirth: 1290 — Holbroke, Somerset, EnglandDeath: 1337 — Holbrooke, Somerset, England
12 great-grandfather - Alianora d'AubignyBirth: 1300 — Jersey, Channel Islands, EnglandDeath: 1325 — England
13 great-grandmother
- Joan SomersetshireBirth: 1325 — EnglandDeath: March 21, 1411 — Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset, England
7 maternal grandmother