Descendants of Marie Suzanne Barbeau
- Marie Suzanne BarbeauBirth: December 2, 1726Death: October 8, 1793 — Québec, Québec, Canada
1 - Marriage: February 3, 1749 — Laprairie, Québec, Canada
- Ignace LongtinBirth: March 28, 1722 29 23 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath: July 31, 1763 — Laprairie, Québec, Canada
Number of children: 2 - Marie Suzanne LongtinBirth: April 30, 1752 30 25 — Longueuil, Québec, CanadaDeath: about 1822 — Canada
1 . 1 - Marriage: July 27, 1772 — St Philippe, La Prairie, Québec, Canada
- Francois Michel RehaumeBirth: January 29, 1733 36 36 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath: June 29, 1803 — Laprairie, Québec, Canada
Number of children: 7 - Suzanne RehaumeBirth: 1772 38 19Death:
1 . 1 . 1 - Archange RehaumeBirth: about 1772 38 19 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 2 - Charles RehaumeBirth: about 1775 41 22 — Québec, Québec, CanadaDeath: March 29, 1846 — Québec, Québec, Canada
1 . 1 . 3 - Marriage: February 24, 1800 — Québec, Québec, Canada
- Marie Francoise DenaudBirth: about 1783 — CanadaDeath:
Number of children: 7 - Marie RehaumeBirth: November 23, 1800 25 17 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 3 . 1 - Barnabe RehaumeBirth: about 1804 29 21 — Canada
1 . 1 . 3 . 2 - Charles RehaumeBirth: about 1806 31 23 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 3 . 3 - Franciois RehaumeBirth: about 1808 33 25 — CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 3 . 4 - Pierre RehaumeBirth: about 1810 35 27 — CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 3 . 5 Louisse Narcisse Rehaume
Birth: April 30, 1814 39 31 — St Constant, Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath: August 25, 1856 — Napierville, Québec, Canada
1 . 1 . 3 . 6- Marriage: November 2, 1833 — Québec, Québec, Canada
Emilie Perron
Birth: about 1813 28 32 — Richelieu, Québec, CanadaDeath: July 2, 1885 — Albion Township, Wright County, Minnesota, USA
Number of children: 11
- Joseph RehaumeBirth: March 7, 1821 46 38 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 3 . 7
- Hypolite RehaumeBirth: September 9, 1777 44 25 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 4 - Marie Catherine RehaumeBirth: March 14, 1789 56 36Death:
1 . 1 . 5 - Pierre RehaumeBirth: February 19, 1792 59 39 — Laprairie, Québec, CanadaDeath:
1 . 1 . 6
1 . 1 . 7
- Amable J. LongtinBirth: about 1755 32 28 — St. Constant, Québec, CanadaDeath: October 23, 1829 — St. Constant, Québec, Canada
1 . 2 - Marriage: January 22, 1798
- Anne LefebvreBirth: about 1780Death: after 1798
No children