Descendants of Waldrat von Hornbach
- Waldrat von HornbachBirth: about 765 45 35 — Hornbach, GermanyDeath: about 824 — Orleans, France
1 - Marriage:
- Hadrian d'OrleansBirth: about 757 27 27 — Worms, GermanyDeath: about 824 — Orleans, France
Number of children: 2 - Wiltrud d'OrleansBirth: about 799 42 34 — Orleans, FranceDeath: Dijon, Burgundy, France
1 . 1 - Rutpert III von WormsgauBirth: about 800 30 32 — Worms, Saxony, GermanyDeath: about 822 — Battle of Bissarthe, France
Number of children: 1 - Robert IV “The Strong” of the FranksBirth: about 820 20 21 — Mainz, GermanyDeath: about 866 — Anjou, France
1 . 1 . 1 - Marriage:
- Adelaide de ToursBirth: about 815 37 37 — Touraine, Centre, FranceDeath: about 866 — Anjou, France
Number of children: 1 - Robert I King of West FranciaBirth: about 860 40 45 — Soissons, Burgundy, FranceDeath: about 923 — Soissons, Burgundy, France
1 . 1 . 1 . 1 - Marriage:
- Beatrice de VermandoisBirth: about 880 35 18 — Vermandois, Normandy, FranceDeath: about 931 — Soissons, Picardy, France
Number of children: 1
- Eudes “Odo” d'OrleansBirth: about 798 41 33 — Orleans, FranceDeath: about 834 — Paris, Ile de France, France
1 . 2 - Marriage:
Number of children: 2 - Gebhard von LahngauBirth: about 826 28 — Lahngau, GermanyDeath: about 879 — Lahngau, Germany
1 . 2 . 1 - Ermentrude d'OrleansBirth: about 830 32 — Orleans, FranceDeath: about 869 — St Denis, Centre, France
1 . 2 . 2 - Marriage:
- Charles II “The Bald” … Holy Roman EmperorBirth: about 823 45 45 — Frankfurt, Hessen, GermanyDeath: about 877 — Burgundy, France
Number of children: 1 - Judith of West FranciaBirth: about 839 16 9 — Picardy, FranceDeath: about 870 — Auxerre, Burgundy, France
1 . 2 . 2 . 1 - Marriage:
- Baldwin I “Iron Arm” of FlandersBirth: about 837 — FlandersDeath: about 879 — Arras, France
Number of children: 1