James Bly Research

Capt Adams BaileyAge: 75 years17221798

Capt Adams Bailey
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Note: Quartermaster, Gen. John Thomas's (also given Col. Bailey's) regt.; receipts for rations, etc., dated Roxbury, June 11, 1775-Aug. 3, 1775; also, company return dated Octo. 6, 1775; also, Capt. Josiah Hayden's co., Gen. Thomas's regt.; muster roll for 61 days from Sept. 1 [year not given], dated Camp at Roxbury ; appointed April 19, 1775; also, Captain, 2d regt.; list of officers of Mass. Line; commissioned Nov. 1, 1778; also, Paymaster, Col. John Bailey's (2d) regt.' Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, return dated Dorchester, Sept. 28, 1778; also, list of officers dated Dorchester, Oct. 22, 1778; also, list of officers dated Boston, May 19, 1779; also, Captain, Lieut. Col. Ezra Badlam's (2d) regt.; return of officers in service Sept. 24, 1779, dated Boston; reported succeeded Capt. Jacob Allen; also, list of settlements of rank of Continental officers made at West Point by a board help for the purpose and confirmed by Congress Sept. 6, 1779; also, Captain and Paymaster, Col. Bailey's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; also, Captain, Col. John Bailey's (2d) regt., commanded by Lieut. Col. Sprout after jan. 1, 1781; muster roll for 1780 and 1781; appointed Nov. 1, 1778; also 4th co., Lieut. Col. Ebenezer Sprout's (2d) regt.; return dated Philadelphia, July 11, 1783; also, returns dated Philadelphia, Aug. 1, Aug. 8 and Aug. 15, 1783; reported attending general court-martial.