Pedigree tree of Adelaide de Tours
Adelaide de Tours
Birth: about 815 37 37 — Touraine, Centre, France
Death: about 866 — Anjou, France
Louis I “The Pious” … King of the Franks
Birth: about 778 36 21 — Aquitaine, France
Death: about 840 — Ingelheim, Germany
Ermengarde de Hesbaye
Birth: about 778 20 — Hesbaye, Liege, Flanders
Death: about 818 — Angers, France
Charlemagne King of the Franks
Birth: about 742 28 22 — Flanders
Death: January 28, 814 — Aachen, Germany (Prussia)
Hildegarde von Swabia
Birth: about 757 27 27 — Aachen, Germany
Death: about 783 — Thionville, France
Ingramme de Hesbaye
Birth: Hesbaye, Liege, Flanders
Death: Hesbaye, Liege, Flanders
Hedwig de Bavaria
Birth: about 758 — Hesbaye, Liege, Flanders
Death: about 778 — Flanders
Pepin III “The Short” King of the Franks
Birth: about 714 25 24 — Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Death: about 768 — Paris, Ile de France, France
Bertrada “Greatfoot” de Laon
Birth: about 720 30 25 — Laon, Picardy, France
Death: about 783 — Burgundy, France
Gerold Childebrand von Vinzgau
Birth: about 730 22 — Swabia, Bavaria, Germany
Death: about 779 — Aachen, Germany
Imma von Swabia
Birth: about 730 31 25 — Swabia, Bavaria, Germany
Death: about 798 — Aachen, Germany
Gundaland de Hesbaye
Birth: Liege, Flanders
Death: about 778 — Liege, Flanders